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Bear in mind, that the number of the model outputs must reflect the number of distribution parameters. For example, if you use normal distribution (tfprobability::tfd_normal()), which is described with two parameters (mean and standard deviation), the model should return two values per each timestep. In othr words, it produces a distribution as a forecast rather than a point estimate. When the model is trained, we have two options to generate the final forecast:

  • use the expected value of the distribution (e.g. mean for normal distribution)

  • sample a value from the distribution Additionally, having the distribution we can compute prediction intervals. Remeber also about the constraints imposed on the parameter values, e.g. standard deviation must be positive.





A probability distribution function from tfprobability package. Default: tfprobability::tfd_normal()


y_pred <- array(runif(60), c(2, 10, 2))
y_true <- array(runif(20), c(2, 10, 1))

    distribution = tfprobability::tfd_normal,
    reduction = 'auto'
 )(y_true, y_pred)
#> tf.Tensor(14.322809, shape=(), dtype=float32)
loss_negative_log_likelihood(reduction = 'sum')(y_true, y_pred)
#> tf.Tensor(286.45618, shape=(), dtype=float32)